During the Wrong Biennale #6 2023/24 the pavilion inaugurated its embassy in real life at Marsèll Paradise (Mailand), exhibiting its first 72 painted rooms by 72 artists.
This “poorly made bottom up anti-metaverse” is a space where “users can be not-sad, or at least not exploited, by design.” “Every room has been assigned through a smart contract on the Polygon chain (environmentally friendly and very cheap in terms of gas fees) and it is now on sale on the OpenSea channel.”
This room represents the holy sanctuary of the noble human capitalist. Visitors of this room can observe the ritual of the Dukes of Patriarchy praying to their god of wealth and power and how they give birth to their sweet child, enthroned in the middle of the room.

The room is stuffed with leftovers of many rituals and some hidden references to pop- and consumer culture.

exhibition photos: @luca.font